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Amy Balsters

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How to Overcome Fear as a Creative

It is only when we are no longer fearful that we begin to create.

― J. M. W. Turner

This post is a call to the creative who may at one time or another, limit their design potential by allowing fear to lead.

Bride with lush airy white bouquet, Bouquet by Amy Balsters, Photography by Rebecca Lemire
Photography by Rebecca Lemire

Have you ever dealt with that mean inner critic in your work with flowers? I know I have and it held me back for years in my work with flowers. 

So if I may ask – what fears might be holding on and hindering your creative process? 

Here are a few that have stuck around for me. Can you relate to any of them?

~I can’t do “that” style, only other florists do that.

~I can’t use those flowers, I wouldn’t know how to work with them.

~I’m not good at those shapes or forms in design.

~Nobody will want this style or be willing to pay for it.

The trouble with these limiting beliefs and often harsh inner criticism is that most of the time, the things we tell ourselves aren’t true. And that can lead to a major block in creativity.

So what changed….

I started by naming that voice and calling those fears out with curiosity and compassion around what I was believing in my work with flowers.

This gentle and consistent approach of assessing and challenging those beliefs put some space between what I was thinking was true and what was actually true and possible.

Bride with lush airy white bouquet, Bouquet by Amy Balsters, Photography by Rebecca Lemire
Photography by Rebecca Lemire

So in case you need a reminder of what is TRUE, here are some helpful statements that have helped me deal with my inner critic and when I encounter fear in my design process;

~Floral design is an evolving industry with trends that change. I am allowed to evolve.

~Learning new things takes time and practice. Just because I am not good at something now doesn’t mean that I never will be! Confidence grows with experience, practice and sound techniques.

~Your perspective is valuable and needed. It takes all kinds to serve the world with flowers.

Bride with lush airy white bouquet, Bouquet by Amy Balsters, Photography by Rebecca Lemire
Photography by Rebecca Lemire

If you need permission to take a leap of faith and let go of fear, here it is. 

You are fully allowed to experiment, try new things, explore new flowers and then try it all again! I’m rooting for you.

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